When I Get to Heaven Chords by John Prine
- Key: D
- BPM: 182
- Capo: no capo
[Verse] F Dm7 D N.C. ■ ■ ■ When I get to heaven N.C. I'm gonna shake God's hand N.C. Thank Him for more blessings than one man can stand N.C. Then I'm gonna get a guitar N.C. And start a rocknroll band N.C. Check into a swell hotel N.C. Ain't the afterlife grand A And then I'm gonna get a cocktail D Vodka and ginger ale G D Yeah I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long A D I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tiltawhirl G A D 'cause this old man is ■ goin' to town D Then as God is my witness G G I'm getting back into show business A I'm gonna open up a nightclub called The Tree of Forgiveness A7 D And forgive everybody ever done me any harm D Well I might even invite a few choice critics G Those syph'litic parasitics A7 A ■ Buy 'em a pint of Smithwicks D And smother 'em with my charm [Chorus] A 'cause then I'm gonna get a cocktail D Vodka and ginger ale G D Yeah I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long A D I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tiltawhirl G A D A D G D Yeah this old man is ■ goin' to ■ ■ ■ town A D G A D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ [Verse] G Yeah when I get to heaven A I'm gonna take that wristwatch off my arm ■ A What are you gonna do with time D After you've bought the farm G And them I'm gonna go find my mom and dad ■ G And good old brother Doug A D Well I bet him and cousin Jackie are still cuttin' up a rug Bm G I wanna see all my mama's sisters G 'cause that's where all the love starts A A7 I miss 'em all like crazy D Bless their little hearts N.C. And I always will remember these words my daddy said N.C. He said Buddy when you're dead you're a dead peckerhead [Chorus] D A ■ ■ I hope to prove him wrong D That is when I get to heaven A 'cause then I'm gonna get a cocktail D Vodka and ginger ale G D Yeah I'm gonna smoke a cigarette that's nine miles long A D I'm gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tiltawhirl G A D Yeah this old man is ■ goin' to town G A D A D G A D Yeah this old man is ■ goin' to ■ town ■ ■ ■ [End]